Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Lawyer Wasn't The One Lying?

Andrew Brzyski - Not a Lawyer.

I came across an interesting story tonight, while watching Dateline, about a man posing as a Lawyer. His name is Andrew Brzyski, and apparently he is only a lowly, lying debt collector. Not a lawyer or attorney, as he claimed to be.

Brzyski would call people in debt, and instruct them to send their payments to Attorney Andrew Brzyski. Dateline caught up with this guy and followed him to a grocery store across from the Debt collecting agency he worked for, where he was collecting money via Western Union wire. Final Claims Asset Locators is the name of company Brzyski was calling from and that Chris Hansen from Dateline was investigating. Brzyski would act as a third party and instruct the people in debt to wire the money to himself under the guise of an Attorney of the law. Read the whole story here.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Oregon Law on Twitter

Law Schools on Twitter?

In the quest for information on law schools, I was rather interested to stumble across a School of Law on Twitter. The University of Oregon has a Twitter site for its law school!

Now I'm sure there are many a law schools with Twitter accounts and what not... but since the University of Oregon's law school was the first one I found, it won the honor of having an image added to this blog, along with it's URL. If you are interested in checking it out, click here. You can also just go to

Along the Law School's tweets are these little tid-bits:
  • "Oregon Law Welcomes New Adjunct Faculty Members..." (An adjunct faculty member is contract teacher or someone who is not tenured and a permanent teacher.)
  • "Professor Michelle McKinley to Compete in National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend..."
  • "Wayne Morse Center Welcomes Dale Jamieson as 2009-10 Chair of Law and Politics..."
  • "It's A Family Affair for Oregon Law's 2009 Reunions: When Oregon Law's faculty, staff, student..."
  • "Former Oregon Supreme Court Justice Betty Roberts to Participate in Video Conference August 27..."

The Law School Twitter account has 690 followers. It appears to be updated on very consistant basis and is pretty through. The Law School also allows an RRS feed to be subscribed to. It's always interesting what kind law related things you can find out there. Even on social media sites such as Twitter.